Mohammed Eyadat

About: Mohammed Eyadat

  • Organization : Department of Computer Information Systems.California State University (USA)
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Issue Paper Pages
Vol 2 No.3 Generalized Mignotte Sequences and Software Watermarking pp.75-84

Dr. Mohammad Eyadat – Mohammad received the Ph.D. in Computer Science/Engineering Mathematics from Claremont Graduate School in Claremont, Master of Science Degreein Computer Science from the University of Southern California, and Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from Yarmouk University – Jordan. He has been serving as professor at different institutions international and domestic. The institutions where he has taught courses in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Information Technology, and Mathematics provide graduate and undergraduate degree. His working experience ranges from Software Designer and developer to Business Consultant. As a researcher, he has been a collaborator for organizing several research activities including professional research conferences. His research interests include software engineering and software reliability models, multimedia software security, watermarking algorithms for images and video data, Education and Information Technology, and Web accessibility.