Manuscript Submission


IJSE accepts only original manuscripts solely submitted to the IJSE, and have not been published or currently under considration in other journals or conferences. During the submission process, Authors will be required to confirm their adherence to this submission policy.

The IJSE editorial office preserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not comply with the above policy.

Paper submission to IJSE is free of charge. There are no fees for paper processing or publishing on IJSE.


Download Paper Template: 

To submit a manuscript to the IJSE, please follow the following two steps:

  1. Prepare TWO versions of your manuscript:
    1. Blinded Manuscript version: main manuscript with NO identifying author information (such as names, acknowledgement, or any other information that can reveal the identity of the authors).
    2. Complete Manuscript version: main manuscript with all author information Please use the following template to prepare your manuscript. The blinded version must use the same template but without the author names or information.
  2. Go the submission website at: and follow submission instructions. 
Submit Manuscript



It is the policy of IJSE to own the copyright on its technical publications to protect the interests of IJSE, its authors, and at the same time to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others.

The copyright policy of the IJSE mandates that authors with accepted manuscripts must sign a copyright transfer form to IJSE prior to the publication of their work. IJSE will not publish any accepted manuscripts before it receives the corresponding copyright form. For manuscripts with multiple authors, the signature of the corresponding author is sufficient.

Please download the IJSE copyright here 

You can download the form, sign it, and upload it with your manuscript before review. However, this step is optional and can be performed upon acceptance.