ABSTRACT Information Systems (IS) are based upon data collected by means of questionnaires, interviews, and observation. Inexperienced researchers find questionnaires and interviews attractive as a data gathering methodology. Many researchers have discovered that it is not simple to draft a good questionnaire because their answers are very superficial and impact negatively on the research quality. This paper explores a Repertory Grid technique as an alternative method for gathering meaningful data. Also, a hybrid model between questionnaire technique and Repertory Grid technique is presented. The model uses questionnaire as a primary data gathering technique and then the acquired data are automatically transferred to the Repertory Grid. The proposed model is considered an improvement technique of Repertory Grid because it solves many of its problems such as inability to name all the scales in the grid, the size limitation of repertory grid which is opened in the current model, and the expert have to use all elements and constructs in the grid without the ability to leave some of them.