ABSTRACT Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) becomes one of the most promising approaches for software product management [10]. It focuses on the critical role by which stakeholders and business core values affect decision making which in turn influence the product success. This paper illustrates the Criteria-Based approach for software product management through a computer based software framework. The framework can select the best candidate requirements for each release based on the stakeholders’ input values for multiple criteria associated with each requirement. These criteria reflect the priority of each requirement not only in terms of perceived importance to the stakeholder and anticipated implementation cost criteria [18] but also through technical risk, relative impact and market-related aspects criteria. The framework has the capability to balance between the different stakeholders’ preferences based on the stakeholder’s weight provided by the product manager [35]. By this means the introduced framework will enable the product manager to overcome many challenges throughout the product life cycle by providing him with the different features that make the decision making process much easier and finally yields to product success [16].