ABSTRACT The Earn Value Analysis (EVA) with factors like EV (Earned Value), CV (Cost Variance), BV (Budget Variance), SV (Schedule variance) are useful in any project management. This paper shows how EVA can be useful for Software Project Management (SPM) for making rescheduling, target scheduling of software project and in Software Cost Estimation (SCE). We propose Software Project Management (SPM) using 3DBGAEVA (3 Dimension Breeder Genetic Algorithm Earn Value Analysis) approach. It is used to optimize the scheduling by some objectives and constraints given by EVA and Software Project Scheduling Problems (SPSP). Various results with different crossover, selection and mutation with real valued chromosome are studied for getting different costing and schedule by proposed 3DBGAEVA approach. The skill development principles by training and learning method are also used to get an effective schedule and reschedule.