ABSTRACT We present a comprehensive test case generation technique from UML models. We use the features in UML 2.0 sequence diagram including conditions, iterations, asynchronous messages and concurrent components. In our approach, test cases are derived from analysis artifacts such as use cases, their corresponding sequence diagrams and constraints specified across all these artifacts. We construct Use case Dependency Graph (UDG) from use case diagram and Concurrent Control Flow Graph (CCFG) from corresponding sequence diagrams for test sequence generation. We focus testing on sequences of messages among objects of use case scenarios. Our testing strategy derives test cases using full predicate coverage criteria. Our proposed test case generation technique can be used for integration and system testing accommodating the object message and condition information associated with the use case scenarios. The test cases thus generated are suitable for detecting synchronization and dependency of use cases and messages, object interaction and operational faults. Finally, we have made an analysis and comparison of our approach with existing approaches, which are based on other coverage criterion through an example.