Vol 10 No.1

Vol 10 No.1


  1. ABSTRACT To predict the quality of software, software metric is one of the very important elements. The relationship of Depth of Inheritance Tree metric with cyclomatic complexity is a significant matter. Here in this paper the relationship of DIT (Depth of Inheritance Tree) and MVG (McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity) have been explained using three real projects developed in JAVA language. The authors have also empirically computed DIT and MVG metrics of these projects and found the correlations between these two. It is found that on increasing DIT, MVG also increases in polynomial form which is showing the directly proportional relationship. This paper is providing an optimal value of DIT up to that software will be quality software.

  2. ABSTRACT Pervasive computing is considered one of the most complex computing domains. Our research work attempts to solve some of the business challenges associated with pervasive computing. In this paper, we present a novel business reference architecture which addresses the basic business requirements to build a pervasive computing system by exploring eleven basic quality features and defining their requirements model. It has a detailed trade-off analysis for the selected quality features which guides the user while making decisions on real projects. We found that building a basic business requirements model is a very useful step towards building a business reference architecture, which will lead to a more practical technical reference architecture.